COLUMBUS, Ind. – Thrive Alliance is presenting Powerful Tools for Caregivers, an educational series designed to provide caregivers with the tools they need to protect those in their care while also looking after themselves.
This program helps family caregivers reduce stress, improve self-confidence, communicate feelings better, balance their lives, make tough decisions, and locate helpful resources.
The course is designed for those who are long-distance caregivers, caregivers to individuals with disabilities, grandparents raising children, caregivers of older adults, and those living with dementia.
Classes consist of six sessions held once a week. Interactive lessons, discussions, and brainstorming will help caregivers take the “tools” they choose and put them into action for their lives.
Sessions will be held every Thursday from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., June 13 through July 25, (except for July 4) at the Doug Otto United Way Center, 1531 13th Street, in Columbus.
Participants receive a copy of The Caregiver Helpbook, developed specifically for the class. For more information or to register, call 812-372-6918, ext. 2403, by June 5.