SEYMOUR, Ind. — The Jackson County Public Library will host a plant swap at the Seymour Library on May 29, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the tent in the grass at the corner of Second and Pine Streets. Volunteer Purdue Extension Master Gardener Trina Roark will be available to answer gardening questions.
Participants must have at least one plant to swap and must be healthy and pest-free. All items must be labeled with the type of plant and care instructions. For more information, call Information Services Coordinator Kristi Gray at 812-405-1833.
The Discovery Bus summer schedule starts June 3, with stops running through August 1. Printed copies of the schedule are now available in the Seymour, Crothersville, and Medora libraries, and on the Discovery Bus. The schedule is also available online at https://www.myjclibrary.
For more information on the Discovery Bus and Outreach Services, call Julie Rumph or Jillian Vaughn at 812-522-3412, ext 1254, or Mary Reed at 812-405-1831.