COLUMBUS, Ind. – Bartholomew County Sheriff Matt Myers has been asked by the National Sheriff’s Association to again serve on the Drug Enforcement and the Homeland Security/Global Policing Affairs committees for the 2021-2022 term. “America’s sheriffs play a critical role in keeping drugs out of our communities and keeping our communities safe,” said Sheriff Myers. “I am honored to accept reappointments to the committees.”
The Homeland Security Committee looks at homeland security issues from a cyber, intelligence, and border security standpoint and works in conjunction with the Border Security Committee. The Drug Enforcement Committee helps in the fight to eliminate narcotics from local communities.
Sheriff Vernon Stanforth, President of the National Sheriff’s Association said, “It is my pleasure to reappoint Sheriff’s Myers to the Drug Enforcement and Homeland Security Committees. Sheriff Myers has demonstrated his leadership while serving on these two vitally important committees.”