INDIANAPOLIS — On Friday, during meetings of the IU and Purdue board of trustees, it was announced that IUPUI will split into two separate academic institutions, reshuffling the Indianapolis-based joint venture that has educated Hoosiers for over five decades.
The move is “designed to increase the number of job-ready graduates in an innovation-led economy, fuel economic growth in the state, and enhance service to the Indianapolis community and beyond,” a statement said.
Currently, IUPUI is primarily administered by IU and secondarily administered through Purdue. The announcement is the first step in what is expected to be a two-year process.
Indiana University will take over the operation of what is now the School of Science at IUPUI. IU will expand its computer science programs in Indianapolis and enhance the integration of its science programs with its School of Medicine. IU will also be responsible for providing administrative services for both academic organizations and for maintaining the intercollegiate athletic program.
Purdue will assume responsibility for engineering, computer science, and technology as a fully integrated expansion of Purdue West Lafayette. Purdue intends to open a branch of its Purdue Applied Research Institute on or near the current IUPUI.
IU, which owns the majority of the IUPUI campus, will become IU Indianapolis. Purdue will maintain a presence downtown, however, it currently does not have a name.
It is not clear how, if at all, the split will affect the Columbus campus, IUPUC.